It ' s truly pleasant to be involved in a project , from early sketches ( pic B ) to the final result ( pic A ) . This was the case for that video from music band Last Day 's Morrow , directed by Sylvain Bertrand . We talked a lot with Sylvain about what that final shot should look like , and we opted for a simple zoom out to avoid camera matchmove issues . Starting from the plate resolution , I had to overscan my canva for more than two hundred percents to guarantee enough camera angle ( pic C ) . I brought that reference frame in Maxon Cinema 4D and began modeling the city as well as front elements extending the wrecks idea of the plate . I rendered a few useful pass from Cinema 4D like ambient occlusion , depth , key light , radiosity and " wallpapers " textures of various windows or walls to get architectural patterns in the right perspective ( pic D ). I mixed these pass in Photoshop and added pics of the scrap yard I took during the shooting to extend the periphery of the plate . Comper Joao Sita inserted smokes , flashing lights , derricks , and made the clouds move to give some " life " to the final shot ( thumbnails E , F , G illustrates the zoom out amplitude ) .