Below is a still frame from the final comp .The stereo constraint required the treasure and the cavern pillars to be camera projected on a large amount of layers spread in the distance . The CG cavern and golden treasure were provided by Rodeo FX artists Gabriel Tremblay Beauvais and Mikael Darmant-Sirois . My task consisted first in applying some " wallpaper textures " on the pillar models and cavern walls with Softimage to get several rock patterns in the right scale and perspective . Then matte painting TD Hubert Zapalowicz settled the Softimage scene for camera projection , rendered various pass of any treasure and pillar layers , from foreground to background . All of these layers were the basis of my matte job in Photoshop . I completed the work using pics of the treasure taken on the set to enhance the realism . Although this shot was omitted from the final cut and the sequence reduced to only one shot , I ' m proud enough of the result to exhibit it .