Below are stills from the final comp .That establishing shot was very complex because everything ( exept the bridge and the people ) was meant to be recreated in a large amplitude camera movement . It begins at the ground level , pans to follow the main character crossing a long bridge ( pics A and B ) , to finally elevate a few meters and reveal Paris ( pic C) ! Matte painting TD Jeremy Boissinot first modeled in Softimage a very primitive geometry of the scene based on conceptual photo montages I gave him and rendered three views from the matchmoved camera with useful benchmarks like the horizon , the docks and a few houses for scale reference . They would become the projection views and the starting point of my matte work . It was not only a matter of three nice Photoshop compositions but they had to blend together ! So I was asked to provide numerous layers for paralax effect , matching with their corresponding layers in each of these views . I also integrated a CG model of Notre Dame cathedral supplied by vfx compny Mr X . Boissinot reprojected the three matte paintings and rendered the shot camera for compers . Laborious but successful .